
Showing posts from June, 2022


 1/6/2022 BARN BLOGS /2 Hi everyone! I hope your doing well! Today I was at the barn at 9:30 because there was an Own A Pony morning going on. As a helper, I was there to help. I stood outside the stalls of the girls who were mucking out, before helping them with the horse's water and feed buckets to be cleaned and filled. We went over rules of feeding and then practiced tying up in the correct way. We went up the field and caught in the riding school ponies. I helped the girl lead down Ellie, an older fleabitten grey mare. Ellie is around 25 years old (in horse years) so they are looking for a new riding school ponies so they can retire Ellie. They had a snack on the yard and then brushed and plaited their ponies. When they had done that the helpers tacked up for them and helped them get on. When we got into the sand school they did a walk around for a few minutes before doing a trot around both ways. They then put out the cones and blocks and did some fun races since it is half t